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Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture - ответы на тесты Интуит
Introduces students to the organization and architecture of computer systems, beginning with the standard von Neumann model and then moving forward to more recent architectural concepts.
Список вопросов:
- # Who constructed Elbrus?
- # When was Elbrus introduced?
- # When did Elbrus become an open computer?
- # Choose static languages:
- # What was used for cooling in Elbrus?
- # A static language means:
- # How many segments does every process have?
- # What segments does every process have?
- # What register points to the next machine instruction?
- # For a logical formula a+b*c a machine program will be:
- # For a formula a-f(x) a machine program will be:
- # Choose not commutative operations:
- # For a formula a-b a reverse-minus machine program will be:
- # For formula a/b a reverse-division machine program will be:
- # For a formula a-f(x) a reverse-minus machine program will be:
- # A displacement for a Branch-short is
- # A conditional branch checks the top of an integral stack and if it is true then:
- # A conditional branch checks the top of an integral stack and if it is false then:
- # For a loop for i from A by B to C while D do E the step is:
- # For a loop for i from A by B to C while D do E the initial value is:
- # For a loop for i from A by B to C while D do E the conditional value is:
- # For a loop for i from A by B to C while D do E and B>0 to repeat the loop:
- # For a loop for i from A by B to C while D do E and B<0 to repeat the loop:
- # A loop for i from A by B to C while D do E and is infinite if:
- # If an array is [l:u] m A then a type of elements in this array is:
- # The main machine instruction for arrays is:
- # A data structure consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by at least one index is called:
- # To calculate an address of an element A[i] in some array the following formula is needed:
- # In the formula which is used for calculating an address for array's element d is:
- # In the formula which is used for calculating an address for array's element C0 is:
- # If a system has a virtual memory often used pages will be:
- # A virtual memory divides a virtual address space into:
- # To translate the virtual addresses seen by the application into physical addresses … are used:
- # What is used to indicate whether the corresponding page is in real memory or not?
- # Each entry in the page-table holds a flag indicating …:
- # If a flag which is held in each entry of the page-table is zero then:
- # How many conditions does a trigger have?
- # How many outputs does a trigger have?
- # A register is a set of:
- # Who constructed the first computer?
- # Who constructed the only one computer in the world with the foundation 3?
- # Who introduced the first trigger in 1918?
- # In Boolean conjunction output is 1 if:
- # In Boolean disjunction output is 0 if:
- # How many basic operations does Boolean algebra consist of?
- # What is a high-order bit for negative numbers in computer words?
- # What is a high-order bit for positive numbers in computer words?
- # Positive number 127 can be represented as:
- # What is a twos-complement code for -5?
- # What is a twos-complement code for -1?
- # What is a twos-complement code fore -7?
- # In scientific notation all numbers are written like m*10p, then m is:
- # How many bits are used in a double-precision format for binary floating-point number?
- # How many bits are used in a single-precision format for binary floating-point number?
- # If an exponent is 0 and mantissa is 0, the number is:
- # If an exponent consists only from 1 and mantissa is 0, the number is:
- # If an exponent consists only from 1 and mantissa is not 0, the number is:
- # What does "statical object" mean?
- # What does "dynamical object" mean?
- # If a record is struct (int a, real b) then it can be represented in a computer as:
- # Element d in a passport of array is:
- # Element l in a passport of array is:
- # Element u in a passport of array is:
- # What does "pipelining" mean?
- # What does "branching" mean?
- # How long can pipelining be on average?
- # What is the first high-level programming language?
- # What is the first low-level programming language?
- # What passes does Assembler have?
- # Absolute address mode means:
- # Relative address mode means:
- # Indirect address mode means
- # Why are triggers not useful for storage information?
- # Static memory consists of:
- # Dynamic memory consists of:
- # Hemming code is:
- # Choose methods of compression data:
- # If you add 1 additional bit to data you can:
- # What is on the top of the memory hierarchy?
- # What is on the top of a cache-table?
- # What is responsible for writing data to the main memory?
- # Who introduced the semaphore in programming?
- # Before the beginning of an operation … must be checked:
- # Choose all operations with the main memory:
- # An initial time before the some operation is called:
- # … is dividing memory into several banks with different access mechanisms:
- # Special equipment for reading long sequences of bits is?
- # Every address in virtual memory consists of the following parts:
- # The virtual memory is divided into:
- # What kind of addresses does the virtual memory use:
- # Who was the first computer programmer?
- # Who translated the Babbage's lecture from Italian into English?
- # Who introduced terms "loop", "readdressing" and "working сell"?
- # Who wrote pages memo "Proposal about automatic calculator"?
- # Pages memo "Proposal about automatic calculator" were written in :
- # The first computer was named:
- # Different punched tapes for program and data later was called :
- # Where was the first computer installed?
- # How many years did the first computer work?
- # The first program controlled calculator with float point arithmetic called:
- # The first university in the world that used a computer for an education is:
- # Who introduced the trigger in America?
- # The first electronic computer was called:
- # What computer was the first serial production computer?
- # What computer is the first in the world with stored program?
- # Who suggested the microprogramming principle?
- # Where were I/O channels used for the first time?
- # Where was virtual memory used for the first time?
- # Each machine instruction uses:
- # A hardware implementation of machine instruction is:
- # The microprogramming is:
- # What does "pipelining" mean?
- # What does "fetching" mean?
- # What does "interleaving" mean?
- # If one process wants to read from the memory and another wants to write where then:
- # If two processes want to read the same data from memory and a computer has cache then:
- # If data are frequently used it is placed into:
- # The scheme with cache can work with less or equal:
- # The first multi-computer is called:
- # The first multi-computer appeared in:
- # All computers in a multi-computer run:
- # In a multi-computer every computer has:
- # The scheme to achieve parallelism with multi-computer is called:
- # In MIMD computers use:
- # The scheme to achieve parallelism where computers share memory is:
- # The programming language for MIMD is:
- # Which scheme executes different sub-steps of sequential instructions simultaneously?
- # Which scheme executes operations when programs are compiled?
- # Which computer uses VLIW?
- # If some data were used from cache-table then:
- # What is the most popular protocol in Internet?
- # What equipment controls communications usually?
- # What is responsible for writing to the main memory?
- # A memory consistency means:
- # When does a collision appear?
- # How often are memory exchange operations used according to statistics?(in percent)
- # How often are branch operations used according to statistics?(in percent)
- # How often are compare operations used according to statistics?(in percent)
- # The main idea of RISK is:
- # If compare RISK and CISK:
- # RISK faster than CISK in … times
- # According to RISK principals all machine instructions:
- # According to RISK principals all machine instructions must execute in … clock:
- # According to RISK principals:
- # All basic units of a computer are connected to the:
- # A program counter shows a current:
- # Every machine instruction starts with:
- # Opcode is:
- # A set of microinstructions is in:
- # How many instructions are in micro instruction register?
- # I/O channels can organize:
- # When did I/O channels appear?
- # Each I/O channel is a:
- # DMA means:
- # Scheme "arbitration" guarantees that:
- # Multi - core architecture means:
- # An interruption is:
- # A device that is used to combine several sources of interrupt onto one or more CPU lines, while allowing priority levels to be assigned to its interrupt outputs, is called:
- # Combining multiple physical disks into a logical unit is called :
- # The most common used protocol is:
- # How many levels does the TCP/IP model have?
- # The first wide area network is:
- # Who projected a digital automatic calculator?
- # Who constructed Strela?
- # When was Strela introduced?
- # Gagarin's trajectory was calculated on:
- # The first Soviet semiconductor is:
- # The military computer is:
- # Who constructed M-50:
- # M-50 was constructed in:
- # Who constructed the first antirocket system:
- # The first antirocket system was called:
- # The first antirocket system was constructed in :
- # The final Lebedev's result is:
- # Which of computers used pipeline?
- # Which of computers used interleaving?
- # Which of computers used virtual memory?
- # The unique computer in the world with ternary number notation is:
- # Who constructed Setun?
- # Who constructed Ural?