Главная / Времена глагола Indefinite Simple и Continuous в английском языке / Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise books

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise books


Правильный ответ:

I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
I did my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher wrote words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
I did my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
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Сложность курса: Времена глагола Indefinite Simple и Continuous в английском языке
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04 июл 2020
Если бы не данные ответы - я бы не справился c этими тестами intuit.
01 авг 2019
Экзамен прошёл на отлично. Спасибо сайту
26 июл 2019
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