Главная / Времена глагола Indefinite Simple и Continuous в английском языке / Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме. – When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They (to talk) and (to laugh). – When the woman (to enter) the room, the children (to feed) the goldfish.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They (to talk) and (to laugh). – When the woman (to enter) the room, the children (to feed) the goldfish.


Правильный ответ:

When I went to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
When I went to school the day before yesterday, I was meeting Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They talked and laugh. – When the woman was entering the room, the children were feeding goldfish
When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
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